The Fifty Year Sword van Markframe Z. Danielewski.
Sommig ontwerp heeft geen muziek nodig, dat maakt zelf muziek. Meerwaarde: dat de muziek niet illustratief is, maar is. En mijn inziens is er wel degelijk sprake van een extra laag. (Alhoewel ik dat nog beter moet gaan definiëren.)
Essay door Sascha Pöhlmann:
While his 2005 novella The Fifty Year Sword confirmed his reputation as an author of experimental fiction especially in his use of typography, color and the materiality of text and the book, it did not attract attention on a similar scale due to the fact it was only published and sold in the Netherlands…
… Recently, with the ‘conducted’ version of The Fifty Year Sword for instance, Danielewski’s work has begun to exceed the frame of such experimental literature, branching out into the field of music and the theatre, and, even more recently into the fields of the radio play.